Sound Deadening Panels fitted to the walls or ceiling, will keep health care facilities quiet and free of echoes
Sound deadening panels fitted to the walls and ceiling will absorb unwanted noise and keep reception areas in surgeries and hospitals quiet
We often get inquiries from the administrators of hospitals and doctors and dentists regarding excessive noise in their waiting rooms.
The excessive noise can be caused by children running around and screaming, phones ringing or from a high number patients waiting around and talking with a partner.
If the waiting area is very noisy then it most likely affects the staff who work in this area in a negative way. The good news is it is very simple to resolve these noise problems by installing some form of sound deadening panel on the walls or ceiling.
The excessive noise can be caused by children running around and screaming, phones ringing or from a high number patients waiting around and talking with a partner.
If the waiting area is very noisy then it most likely affects the staff who work in this area in a negative way. The good news is it is very simple to resolve these noise problems by installing some form of sound deadening panel on the walls or ceiling.
The noise problem in waiting rooms of hospitals or surgeries can be fixed with some form of sound deadening acoustic panels
Most waiting rooms are large with high ceilings. The surfaces in the room normally consist of very hard surfaces which are good at reflecting sounds around the room. It is the build up of these reflecting sounds in the room that cause the room to become noisy, and as a result the patients and reception staff have to speak even louder in order to get themselves to be heard.
As the noise level of the room increases, speech intelligibility decreases to the point where hearing becomes strained and staff and patients may have trouble understanding one another which can lead to other problems.
The good news is that most of the noise generated in the waiting room or reception area is in the mid to high frequency range and lends itself being treated with sound deadening panels.
As the noise level of the room increases, speech intelligibility decreases to the point where hearing becomes strained and staff and patients may have trouble understanding one another which can lead to other problems.
The good news is that most of the noise generated in the waiting room or reception area is in the mid to high frequency range and lends itself being treated with sound deadening panels.
Installing sound deadening panels to the ceiling or walls will make any room quieter and will assist with the communication between reception staff and patients. Elderly patients who suffer from some form of hearing impairment will greatly benefit by the installation of these panels as it will make it easier for them to understand what is being said to them
Products that can be used to acoustically treat health care centres